Two days in Poznan

Two days in Poznan

I first visited Poland back in 2005, on a school trip. I spent a few days in Krakow and I remember having a really great time. For some reason, I’ve just not made it back since then. Finally, I found some cheap flights to Poznan for a weekend when choosing a destination for June. I…

One day in Tirana

One day in Tirana

Although I stayed for two nights in Tirana, because I did a day trip to Prizren I was only there for one day. Still, I felt this was a perfect amount of time to get a feeling for the city and to see the main sights. There are a few things I didn’t have time…

One day in Reykjavik

One day in Reykjavik

When I was looking into visiting Iceland, everybody advised visiting for at least several days. However, I found a total bargain on flights, so I decided to go and spend one day in Reykjavik. My flight landed at 8pm on the Saturday night, and left at 9pm on Sunday— giving me just over 24 hours…