Two days in Poznan

Two days in Poznan

I first visited Poland back in 2005, on a school trip. I spent a few days in Krakow and I remember having a really great time. For some reason, I’ve just not made it back since then. Finally, I found some cheap flights to Poznan for a weekend when choosing a destination for June. I…

One day in Tirana

One day in Tirana

Although I stayed for two nights in Tirana, because I did a day trip to Prizren I was only there for one day. Still, I felt this was a perfect amount of time to get a feeling for the city and to see the main sights. There are a few things I didn’t have time…

One day in Reykjavik

One day in Reykjavik

When I was looking into visiting Iceland, everybody advised visiting for at least several days. However, I found a total bargain on flights, so I decided to go and spend one day in Reykjavik. My flight landed at 8pm on the Saturday night, and left at 9pm on Sunday— giving me just over 24 hours…

One day in Geneva

One day in Geneva

I love to travel for my birthday. As I couldn’t take time off in 2023, my requirements were somewhere that I could visit at the weekend and somewhere that had either good cheese or good chocolate. Switzerland seemed the obvious choice, and I found a bargain on flights, so it was time to plan one…