Chocolate, Apple and Hazlenut Cake - the Best Cake in Malta

The Best Cake in Malta

When planning our trip, my sister asked her Maltese friend for some recommendations. We received a huge list and the one that interested us most was his recommendation of a cafe in Mdina that had “the best cake in Malta”. As we were going to Mdina anyway on our self-planned Game of Thrones tour, we had to visit.

The Cafe

Alley leading towards Fontanella
The small alley leading towards Fontanella cafe

The cafe is called Fontanella and is located on the North wall of Mdina. It’s very easy to find and is only a short walk from the Mdina Gate. There’s a charming wee alley that leads you to the entrance, and I just had to stop and grab a photo.

The Cakes

Well, I can’t title a post “The Best Cake in Malta” without showing photos of the cakes! Because there were four of us, it meant we were able to get four different flavours and share with each other. I got the Hazlenut, Apple and Chocolate cake and I definitely think it was the best of the four. The other three we had were a plain chocolate one, a mint one and an orange one. They were all delicious too, all using the same base cake with flavoured fillings and topping. We found that it was so rich that they all struggled to finish their ones while mine was much lighter. Of course, this meant I got to help finish theirs!

The View

The view from the cafe
The view from the cafe

Now, although we came for the cake, we stayed for the view! Mdina is located in the middle of Malta and from the top of the cafe you can see right across the island. If you sit upstairs you get to enjoy the beautiful landscape as you eat. Not only do you get to enjoy the best cake in Malta but you get to enjoy what is probably also one of the best views too!

What are some of the best cakes you’ve eaten when travelling? Any recommendations for places to visit on upcoming trips?

This post was not sponsored and I was not compensated in any way. All opinions are my own.

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  1. Oh I simply must visit this! I was actually due to be in Malta now, but all travel is banned, so I will postpone my trip until later. In the meantime, I can gather intel about great places such as these

  2. Okay but how to choose!? I’m a huge chocolate lover, so I’d probably get a regular chocolate slice. They all look divine!

  3. Yummy, as if I needed another reason to go to Malta! It’s been on my list for a long time. And now to see those delicious cakes. I would like to try one of each starting with the orange chocolate.

  4. I love the view, but that cake… wow! I would also have gone for the hazelnut, apple and chocolate although the mint one would have been a close second. Who am I kidding? I would get all of them and take the rest away!

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