The Army of Snowmen in Harbin
When I visited Harbin for the Ice and Snow Festival, I didn’t realise that there would also be a display of Snowmen. Stumbling upon these on my way to the Snow Sculptures was an extremely pleasant surprise!
There were exactly 2,019 snowmen in Harbin to celebrate the year, located along the bank of the Songhua river. It’s completely free to see all these snowmen, so they definitely shouldn’t be missed!
If you start at the large snowman, the riverside path ends at the cable car which takes you across the river to the entrance of Sun Park, where the snow sculptures are located. You can also do that in reverse, coming to visit them after the snow sculptures on your way back to the city centre.
Here are some photos of the snowmen to inspire your visit!
The Snowmen

This huge snowman marked the start of the trail, and is much bigger than he might appear from the photo.

These snowmen were located alongside on the riverside pathway. They faced both directions so you could either double back at the end, or walk on the ice between them to see everything.

Along with the regular snowmen, there were also some references to famous characters in there. I wasn’t able to identify them all, but I certainly recognised this plumber!

Near the end of the path, the majority of the snowmen all had flags on them. I loved the expression on these two, and of course I had to take a photo of the UK snowman!

These two snowmen look like they’re starting a band.

I think this is meant to be one of the seven dwarves, but I don’t know where the rest are!

Here’s a stylish pig, which happens to be the zodiac animal for 2019. There were also plenty of other animals, like the large cat behind the tree on the left.

This snowfish has some Chinese New Year decorations on it, and the fish itself is a very common symbol for celebrating New Year. There were quite a few snowfish scattered around the trail.

Along with all the snowmen, there was also an ice sculpture of a horse pulling a carriage. You were able to climb into the carriage if you wished for photos.

This Icelandic snowman was showing off its Viking heritage. I enjoyed spotting the snowmen that had been decorated to resemble the flag they were wearing.

Here’s a view from above, looking down onto the various snowmen on the river itself. There are vendors selling grips for your feet if needed, as it gets very slippy.

I spent a long time looking for a Scottish flag, but unfortunately didn’t find any. There was a very happy Welsh one though!

There was even snow dice! This one isn’t a proper die though, can you spot why?

Here’s a photo of me next to a couple to give you an idea of the scale of the snowmen. It also might look like I’m just wearing a pair of jeans, but I have another pair on underneath that and a pair of leggings on!
Did you have a favourite? Have you seen any other impressive snowmen displays while travelling? Let me know!
Oh WOW ! This looks very, very cold… But like so much fun, too! The snowmen photos made me smile. It’s an incredibly creative outdoor event or festival idea.
What a cool place! This would be so fun to take a walk through. I particularly like the carved pig for the Chinese zodiac year. That’s so awesome!
What a cool place to visit. I’ve seen ice sculptures, and maybe some mazes made out of the packed snow but this takes it to a whole new level. I’m sure it’s popular with kids too!
This is such a random but also awesome thing! Would have never though of a snowman army in China still cannot wrap my head around it but also super interested in seeing it in person one day.
Wow these are amazing! And what a cool surprise to discover! I love how one of them is one of the Seven Dwarfs, but they’re all really cool.